Breathwork for Healing, Integration, and Personal Growth

Here is an article by Jim Morningstar:

Breathwork as defined by the International Breathwork Training alliance <> is the art and science of teaching breath awareness and breathing techniques for enhancing the human physical, mental, emotional and spiritual condition. True wellbeing involves balance and harmony in all the components of oneʼs self. Excessive focus on one part of the self to the exclusion of others results in imbalance and dysfunction. The other side of this equation is that the fine-tuning and harmony of all aspects of the self lead to higher states of health, wellness and opens the door for subsequent growth. Healthy breathing is the thread which strings all the pearls of oneʼs self together. Letʼs look at how healthy breathing is in the mainstay of an integrative approach to personal growth.

Physical Health      

Peak performance and achieving oneʼs personal best have always involved a mastery of oneʼs breathing. Though most of us are not in training for the Olympics, our physical health and wellbeing is directly related to regulated healthy breathing habits. Since there are few activities in which we engage in more than taking an inhale and and an exhale, any dysfunction in the process gets multiplied exponentially over the years. Conversely, healthy breathing has a nurturing and energizing effect on every physical organ and body system. All forms of yoga and, in particular, hatha yoga have documented results over the centuries on how coordinating steady diaphragmatic breathing with movement (asanas) or in stillness (meditation) improves physical health (e.g., McCall, 2007), Breath coaching has become increasingly effective in sports training and general.

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The Origins of Breathwork

The light of Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation for peace, stress relief, breath therapy

In ancient and pre-industrial societies, breath and breathing have played a very important role in cosmology, mythology, and philosophy, as well as an important tool in ritual and spiritual practice. Various breathing techniques have been used since time immemorial for religious and healing purposes. Since earliest times, virtually every major psychospiritual system seeking to comprehend human nature has viewed breath as a crucial link between nature, the human body, the psyche, and the spirit. This is clearly reflected in the words many languages use for breath.

In the ancient Indian literature, the term prana meant not only physical breath and air, but also the sacred essence of life. Similarly, in traditional Chinese medicine, the word chi refers to the cosmic essence and the energy of life, as well as the natural air we breathe by our lungs. In Japan, the corresponding word is ki. Ki plays an extremely important role in Japanese spiritual practices and martial arts. In ancient Greece, the word pneuma meant both air or breath and spirit or the essence of life. The Greeks also saw breath as being closely related to the psyche. The term phren was used both for the diaphragm, the largest muscle involved in breathing, and mind (as we see in the term schizophrenia = literally split mind).

In the old Hebrew tradition, the same word, ruach, denoted both breath and creative spirit, which were seen as identical. The following quote from Genesis shows the close relationship between God, breath, and life: “Then the Lord God formed man {Hebrew adam} from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.” In Latin the same name was used for breath and spirit – spiritus. Similarly, in Slavic languages, spirit and breath have the same linguistic root.

In the native Hawaiian tradition and medicine (kanaka maoli lapaʼau), the word ha means the divine spirit, wind, air, and breath. It is contained in the popular Hawaiian aloha, expression that is used in many different contexts. It is usually translated as presence (alo) of the Divine Breath (ha). Its opposite, haʼole, meaning literally without breath or without life, is a term that native Hawaiians have applied to white-skinned foreigners since the arrival of the infamous British sea captain James Cook in 1778. The kahunas, “Keepers of Secret Knowledge,” have used breathing exercises to generate spiritual energy (mana).

It has been known for centuries that it is possible to influence consciousness by techniques that involve breathing. The procedures that have been used for this purpose by various ancient and non-Western cultures cover a very wide range from drastic interference with breathing to subtle and sophisticated exercises of various spiritual traditions. Thus the original form of baptism practiced by the Essenes involved forced submersion of the initiate under water for an extended period of time. This resulted in a powerful experience of death and rebirth. In some other groups, the neophytes were half-choked by smoke, by strangulation, or by compression of the carotid arteries.

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Stress Relief through Breath Meditation


If you are like most people you experience some kind of stress on a daily basis. For some the level of daily stress can be debilitating. The American Institute of Stress says that stress is America’s number one health problem. It’s been estimated that 75 – 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems. And it has been medically proven that stress has a direct impact on the immune system.

So, how can you manage the stress in your life? World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Dean Ornish says that deep breathing is the best form of stress management known to man.

As the founder of Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation, one of the questions I get asked the most is “How does Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation help with managing stress and stress related ailments such as depression, anxiety and chronic pain?

Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation is a simple and powerful way to use breathing to activate your own healing energy and life force, and to release stress on a cellular level. It supports physical, emotional and mental healing, as you simultaneously connect more to spirit. And by oxygenating your blood through breathwork you can enjoy greater vitality and the health benefits of increased detoxification.

I believe Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for stress management in the world today. In just one 90-minute session of Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation you can experience a deep calm, and a feeling of inner peace and wellbeing. Many clients have told me that after just one session they felt the most relaxed they’d ever felt in their life.

Don’t let stress ruin your life, your health and your relationships. Find the peace and relief that you deserve and need now.

Kris Cassidy

Scientific Benefits of Proper Breathing


The average person breathes approximately 20,000 times per day.  This means that in one 24-hour period roughly one hundred square meters of our lung surface is exposed to approximately 8000 litres of air, and 17.5 litres of blood passing through our lungs carries the oxygen from that air to every cell in our bodies. Continue reading

Benefits of Circular (Connected) Breathing


In the realm of alternative wellness practices, circular breathing breathwork has gained significant attention for its remarkable benefits. Offering a multitude of advantages, circular breathing breathwork has the power to enhance physical health, boost mental clarity, and promote emotional balance.Let’s explore how this simple yet profound practice can revolutionize your everday life!

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Breathwork and Spirituality: A journey into inner Peace and Connection

Introduction: In our fast-paced and often chaotic lives, finding moments of stillness and connection with our inner selves can be challenging. However, there is a powerful tool that can help us on this journey: Breathwork. Beyond its physical benefits, Breathwork holds a profound connection to spirituality, enabling us to tap into our higher selves and explore the depths of our consciousness. In this blog post, we’ll explore the fascinating link between Breathwork and Spirituality and how it can enhance our well-being.

The Essence of Breathwork: At its core, Breathwork Meditation is a practice that focuses on conscious and intentional breathing techniques. By manipulating our breath, we can experience a range of effects on our physical, mental, and emotional states. Breathwork techniques have been utilized for centuries across various cultures as a means to attain spiritual enlightenment, self-discovery, and inner peace.

The Connection with Spirituality: Breathwork serves as a bridge between our physical and spiritual realms. Through intentional circular breathing, we can quiet the mind and open the door to heightened states of consciousness. By directing our breath, we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, inducing relaxation and allowing us to access deeper levels of awareness. This heightened state provides a fertile ground for spiritual exploration and introspection.

Expansion of Consciousness: As we delve into the depths of Breathwork, we begin to explore the expansiveness of our consciousness. The rhythmic and intentional breaths help to dissolve the barriers that separate us from our higher selves. In this expanded state, we may experience a sense of interconnectedness with the universe, a feeling of oneness, and a deeper understanding of our purpose in life.

Healing and Release: Breathwork Therapy offers a unique avenue for healing and emotional release. As we practice circular breathing, we create space within ourselves to release stored emotions, traumas, and energetic blockages. By consciously breathing through these experiences, we can heal old wounds, release negative patterns, and foster a greater sense of well-being.

Integration and Transformation: Through regular Breathwork practice, we can integrate the insights gained from our spiritual experiences into our everyday lives. The heightened awareness and sense of peace cultivated during Breathwork sessions can permeate our thoughts, actions, and relationships, leading to a more authentic and purposeful existence.

Conclusion: Breathwork  Meditation Therapy is not merely about taking breaths; it is a profound spiritual practice that invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. By harnessing the power of our breath, we can access the vast realms of our consciousness, heal emotional wounds, and cultivate a deeper connection with our true Nature.


Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation offers virtual private Breathwork Sessions, and in-person sessions and Breathworkshops in the Asheville area.