Breathwork Services

Private Sessions

Our private sessions give you the opportunity to go within and experience fast transformation and help you to:

  • Have ongoing massive release of stress, tension, trauma and anxiety so you can think and decide with clarity.
  • Experience a deepening meditative state and spiritual connection – even if you’ve always had trouble meditating before.
  • Become more centered in your everyday life so you are more calm and less affected by external events.
  • Open up your lungs to breathe more fully and freely then ever before in your life – breath is life – you’ll be amazed at what this changes in you!
  • Continue to experience more joy and harmony in your relationships with others as you open your heart

What Does a Breathwork Session Look Like?

A session lasts 2 hours. At the beginning we will discuss with you how you would like to benefit from the session. In a session you can have a particular focus or you can let yourself be intuitively guided as to what is next in your healing and transformation. You will be lying down comfortably on a mat or futon, wearing loose fitting clothing. You will practice the breath meditation for approximately 60-90 minutes. A safe supportive caring environment is provided. You will be sensitively guided through profound physical, emotional, mental and spiritual breakthroughs. To complete the session, you will be offered personalized coaching to help you capitalize on those breakthroughs in your daily life.

Private One-on-One Intensive Weekend Breathwork Retreats

Come and experience 5 sessions of Breathwork over a weekend combined with personalized life coaching and time in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. De-stress, heal and transform beyond your imagination. Call now to schedule your personal private Retreat.

“The day after my first session of Breakthrough Breathwork I felt like a fog had lifted. I was able to focus on my goals with a new-found clarity and a better understanding of my motivations. Shortly after I manifested the job I wanted, which for six months I had been looking for.”
– Derek See, Wilderness Training Instructor,Utah

Single session

2 hrs  (2 1/2 hrs for your first session) includes personalized coaching and customized music for your session.

Partner-bliss session

Profoundly effective for healing relationships between family members, couples and friends. Or, simply, to enjoy more love and closeness together.

Can be taken over the course of a number of weeks to suit your schedule. Or, for out of town clients, the Platinum package can be experienced as a personalized 5-Day or 2 weekend intensive retreat in the beautiful mountains of Colorado Springs.

This Level 1 Training is a prerequisite for the Practitioner Level 2 Training.