Scientific Understanding of Breathwork



by Carol Lampman 

The scientific understanding of the breath and its support of the physical body continues to grow.   Studies prove that, in addition to supplying life-giving oxygen to the cells of the body, respiration profoundly affects almost every system in the body.  Research has shown that the breath has a profound effect on every aspect of the body, brain chemistry and the nervous system. What many of us have known for a very long time is now being validated.  There is no magic pill that will make it all happen instantly but the work with the breath is surely the fast track to greater freedom. 

The breath accesses the inner levels of the body, emotions, mind and spirit.   These levels form a matrix within which every aspect and every experience is organized and interconnected.   They are unified and cannot be separated; we have a body fueled by the breath, imbued with emotions, ruled by the dictates of the mind and fused by Spirit.   The breath moves the life force energy, which animates and integrates the totality of our being.  It is the link between the conscious and unconscious, allowing us to travel to unexplored inner realms for growth and self-empowerment.  

The natural, organic altered state created by the breath unites us with the greater awareness and wisdom of our essence.  There is a mechanism within each of us, the inner healer that knows exactly what is needed in order to return to health and wholeness.  The basic principle is that “whatever is most needed” to restore us to our original nature will emerge spontaneously during the altered state created through the use of the breath.  This remarkable, inner wisdom knows what is needed, at the right time and in exactly the right sequence, for the ultimate transformation to occur. 

Breath Moves Consciousness

By taking the time to meditate and open up to your true nature you not only give to yourself but you are also bringing more love, light and healing to so many others.

We’d like to share some words we recently read from Wayne Dyer on using one’s breath to move consciousness.

“The breath has the capacity to ease pain and soften tension.  When you concentrate on breathing, your mind is able to gather together all its scattered energies. Your mind becomes much more focused, quiet, and clear. In fact, when you focus on your breathing, you are in the present, in the here and now. You are able to truly shift from one state of consciousness to another.

Some great thinkers have actually said that the breath has the power to actually move matter and consciousness to new states of being. The breath is the life force. When you focus on breathing, you focus on directing the life force within you.  This focuses and quiets your mind and helps you move energy. That’s why it’s so powerful to breathe into your difficulties. It moves them, shifts them, and transforms them.”


The Master Key to Good Health

“There’s no limit to what working with the breath can accomplish. My own first-hand experiences with this natural healing method have convinced me that breathing well may be the master key to good health. I recommend breath work to all my patients.”
-Andrew Weil, M.D.

Stress Relief Thru Breath Meditation


If you are like most people you experience some kind of stress on a daily basis. For some the level of daily stress can be debilitating. The American Institute of Stress says that stress is America’s number one health problem. It’s been estimated that 75 – 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems. And it has been medically proven that stress has a direct impact on the immune system.

So, how can you manage the stress in your life? World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Dean Ornish says that deep breathing is the best form of stress management known to man.

As the founder of Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation, one of the questions I get asked the most is “How does Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation help with managing stress and stress related ailments such as depression, anxiety and chronic pain?

Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation is a simple and powerful way to use breathing to activate your own healing energy and life force, and to release stress on a cellular level. It supports physical, emotional and mental healing, as you simultaneously connect more to spirit. And by oxygenating your blood through breathwork you can enjoy greater vitality and the health benefits of increased detoxification.

I believe Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for stress management in the world today. In just one 90-minute session of Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation you can experience a deep calm, and a feeling of inner peace and wellbeing. Many clients have told me that after just one session they felt the most relaxed they’d ever felt in their life.

Don’t let stress ruin your life, your health and your relationships. Find the peace and relief that you deserve and need now. To learn more about Breakthrough Breathwork Meditation, to find out about upcoming Breathworkshops in your area, or to bring a Breathworkshop to your area, visit

And take a nice deep breath.

The Gift of Breathwork


 How fortunate we are that there is wisdom from ancient times to today that can teach and guide us in consciously harnessing the full benefits of our breath. It is our most potent nutrient, and our most potentiated vehicle for awareness and self-actualization – and it is available every moment.

     From the simplest of breathing techniques that encourage relaxation and stress-reduction to intensive breathing techniques that help humans to penetrate the deepest parts of themselves, access their greatest gifts and fully flower as a being – breath is a surprising, delightful and awesome blessing.

Be Aware of Your Breath

Be aware of your breathing.  Notice how this takes attention away from your thinking and creates space.  Remember from time to time to notice that you are breathing.  If you really notice that you are breathing, meaning bring your attention to your breath, just one conscious in and out breath, and a different dimension is there in your life. Be present at every step of the breath, the in-breath and the out-breath.

There is no thought when you are present with the breath.  What is extremely significant, when you are aware of your breath is that what you are really aware of is you are aware of awareness. That’s the beauty of it.  What that means is you entered the dimension of presence and space has opened up in your life.

Eckhart Tolle

Breathwork: A powerful self-healing and transformational process


Breathwork is a powerful self-healing and transformational process that opens restricted breathing patterns, integrates emotional suppressions and permanently clears the subconscious mind. It is an advanced science of converting resistance to enthusiasm.

From a physical viewpoint, our breath is our connection to life. We can go without food for 30 days without water for 3 days, but in 3 minutes without breath we die. Most people think if they breathe in and out they are healthy. The truth however, unless we are breathing deeply and fully our bodies are not getting the oxygen needed for optimal health.

Oxygen feeds the cells and most people are starving their cells, so many people feel tired all the time. This is quite a problem in our busy world. The solution can be as simple as conscious redirection of the breathing pattern. The pattern can be reprogrammed and the breathing muscles retrained.

Breathwork opens and clears restricted breathing patterns producing more energy, increased detoxification, better health, improved respiratory capacity and strengthening of the immune system.

Breathwork clears the subconscious mind, which allows us to resolve stress. It permanently clears repressed emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, guilt and depression, which creates more peace, creativity and clarity. Breathwork connects us to higher dimensions and levels of consciousness and gives us a stronger connection to our higher self, with fuller expression of our spiritual nature.

Breathwork can help in pain control, infertility, phobias, stress, PMS, headaches, chronic fatigue,asthma, TMJ, panic attacks, depression, apnea, heart condition, respiratory ailments, digestive problems, birthing, addictions and recovery.

Excerpt from a ‘Transformational Breathwork’ newsletter

Be Aware of Your Breath

Be aware of your breathing.  Notice how this takes attention away from your thinking and creates space.  Remember from time to time to notice that you are breathing.  If you really notice that you are breathing, meaning bring your attention to your breath, just one conscious in and out breath, and a different dimension is there in your life. Be present at every step of the breath, the in-breath and the out-breath.

There is no thought when you are present with the breath.  What is extremely significant, when you are aware of your breath is that what you are really aware of is you are aware of awareness. That’s the beauty of it.  What that means is you entered the dimension of presence and space has opened up in your life.

Eckhart Tolle

Exploring the Healing Power of Circular Breathing

In the quest for improved well-being and holistic health, alternative healing modalities have gained popularity. One such modality that has captured the attention of seekers of inner balance and emotional healing is Circular Breathwork. Rooted in ancient practices and modernized for contemporary wellness, Circular Breathwork is a transformative journey that combines conscious breathing, meditation, and mindfulness to facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. In this blog, we will dive deep into this intriguing practice and explore its potential benefits.

What is Circular Breathwork?

Circular Breathwork, also known as Circular Breathing, is a breathing technique that involves continuous, rhythmic breathing patterns without pauses between inhalation and exhalation. It’s akin to the cyclical nature of our breath – a process that keeps us alive and connected to the flow of life itself. Circular Breathwork encourages individuals to embrace this cyclical rhythm consciously, often accompanied by soothing music or guided meditation.

The Circular Breathwork Process

  1. Preparation: Circular Breathwork typically starts with preparation. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Assume a relaxed posture, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  2. Conscious Breathing: Begin with slow, deep breaths. Inhale and exhale through your nose or mouth, maintaining a continuous flow. Some practitioners use circular breathing with instruments like didgeridoos or singing bowls, enhancing the experience.
  3. Emotional Release: As the circular breathing pattern continues, you may experience a range of emotions surfacing. Circular Breathwork is known for its ability to help individuals release pent-up emotions, trauma, and stress. It provides a safe space to confront and process these feelings.
  4. Mindfulness and Meditation: Throughout the practice, mindfulness plays a pivotal role. It encourages you to stay present and observe your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. Guided meditation is often integrated to deepen the experience.

Benefits of Circular Breathwork

  1. Emotional Healing: Circular Breathwork allows individuals to access and release stored emotional pain and trauma. Many people report feeling lighter, more peaceful, and emotionally balanced after a session.
  2. Stress Reduction: Engaging in circular breathing induces a relaxation response, reducing stress and anxiety. This practice can help improve sleep patterns and enhance overall mental well-being.
  3. Increased Awareness: By focusing on the continuous flow of breath and observing inner experiences, Circular Breathwork enhances self-awareness. This heightened awareness can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of oneself.
  4. Spiritual Connection: Circular Breathwork often leads to a heightened sense of spirituality and interconnectedness. Some practitioners report experiencing profound insights, a sense of unity with the universe, and expanded consciousness.
  5. Physical Benefits: Improved oxygenation of the body during Circular Breathwork can boost energy levels and promote physical healing. It may also aid in detoxification and immune system support.


Circular Breathwork is a transformative modality that offers a unique path to emotional healing, stress reduction, and personal growth. By embracing the circular rhythm of breath, individuals can tap into their inner wisdom and unlock a deeper connection to themselves and the world around them. While Circular Breathwork can be a profoundly healing practice, it’s essential to approach it with an open heart, a qualified facilitator, and the intention to explore the depths of your inner being.

‘Anatomy of Your Next Breath’ by Jim Morningstar

To truly understand the miracle of your next breath, letʼs look at the mechanics and energetics of the breathing process on multiple levels. “With each breath we take in about one million particles that have existed in our environment since the beginning of time and which certainly at some point have passed through every living being on our planet – including Buddha, Jesus, Hitler and Einstein. Every time we breathe out, we add something unique to our environment (Minett, 2004).” What are these particles? How do we take them in and what energetic influence do they have on us and us on them?


Breath chemistry

On the chemical level the air we breathe is about 20 percent oxygen and .03 percent carbon dioxide. The rest of the air is a combination of nitrogen, water vapor and various other gases including carbon monoxide, methane, helium and air pollutants. Our exhale consists of 14 percent oxygen, 5 percent carbon dioxide, 6 percent water vapor and 69 percent nitrogen and other gases coming from the bodyʼs metabolism. We nourish our body systems on the inhale and release waste on the exhale. Our process, in turn, helps nurture the environment around us. Trees, for example, give off the oxygen we need and take in the carbon dioxide we give off for their nurturance.

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